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This South African native is ready to serve up some nice dick for all you fans out there. In its official statement dated 30 th October 2015, “The Thug Seduction” club said, Let’s welcome Zulu to the Entertainment West Studios crew. In December 2015, Patrick was voted as gay of the month by PornHub, one of the top platforms for sexual content. Early October 2015, he joined a popular gay club called “The Sug Seduction” which recently re-branded to Entertainment West Studios. Our snoops in USA have confirmed to us that, Patrick Shumba’s gay name is Zulu. Basing on a shot video clip that you’re about to watch below, this website has learnt that, Patrick is both a gay and active LGBT activist. has however discovered that, the film which Patrick had promised to take part in was his own gay movie. Patrick, a freelance voice-over actor, narrator and dialect coach disclosed to Zambians that, he had signed a contract to feature in another movie that was yet to be revealed. USA based Zambian actor Patrick Shumba Mutukwa who served as a dialect and accents assistant in the trending movie - Black Panther has again gone viral. Zambia's Patrick Shumba Mutukwa Who Took a Role In Black Panther Is Gay

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