With many of their family members passed on, living far away, or not allowed to visit due to COVID-19 restrictions, loneliness is a major issue seniors often face. Since 2016, Tracy and Roger have been working with Pet Partners®, a non-profit that matches volunteer therapy animals of all kinds with people in need of a furry friend visit, including nursing facilities, assisted living, hospice centers, and children’s hospitals. Just ask Roger and Sal – a couple of registered therapy cats – along with their handler Tracy Howell. Although therapy cats make up a smaller percentage of this segment, cats offer a wide array of positive benefits that make them wonderful therapy animals. Anyone who has experienced that special, soul-soothing bliss that comes from stroking a purring kitty in their lap will tell you: those numbers might be off. Felines, on the other hand, make up part of the other 6% (that’s combined with other animals). After all, canines dominate the therapy animal field at 94%. When we think of the term “therapy animal,” most of us are probably inclined to picture a dog. Purina Cat Chow has partnered with two non-profits in order to bring senior citizens some much-needed virtual therapy cat visits. Know someone who’s over 60 and feeling lonely? Help is just a phone call away.